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  1. Memory and Muscle

    Two areas in which many modern people are lacking development are memory and muscle. The urban, modern person is told to constantly make use of new technology which substitutes for these both. Why remember anything when Google can do it for you? What use is muscle mass in the twenty …

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  2. QWERTY Theory

    In various places on the Internet, I have shared the story of how I switched from typing using the standard QWERTY layout to using the alternative, more efficient Dvorak layout. However, after using Dvorak for some time, working my typing speed to over 100 WPM, I ultimately chose to switch …

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  3. Smartphones suck.

    Now in the second deade of the twentieth century, rather than getting flying cars, the elimination of poverty, and anonymous global crypto-currencies, we got smartphones 1.

    Smartphones suck. They suck your time and attention. They suck your bank account(s) dry, especially if you have set up "convenient" payment systems …

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  4. Channeling *Chuunibyou*

    With great immaturity comes great power. This is the way (道) of the Chuu-ni-byou 中二病 warrior.


    Let us engage in some self-deprecation. Surely, most of us have at least felt this way before?

    Chuunibyou (中二病; Chūnibyō) is a derogative colloquial term in the Japanese language used to describe a …

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  5. The Third-Person Self Improvement Program

    Cautionary note, 11/12/2020—stay away any imagination/visualization technique that separates you from reality. Occult/esoteric practices should be avoided. There is a "slippery slope" leading there when you do practices that involve imagining what is not real, doing stuff with dreams, chanting and/or any form of …

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  6. "Propaganda" as a Descriptive Term

    The term propaganda is often used as a kind of slur. Here, I want to discuss "propaganda" used as a descriptive term. All sorts of people use propaganda, including people you likely.

    Here's a definition.

    Propaganda is information that is used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda …

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  7. No Glasses Meditation

    I'm going to try something for some time. Every day, I will spend a chunk of time (maybe 2 hours) without my glasses. The idea is to train concentration, memory, recall and using other senses.

    As a side effect, I hope to also train myself to spend more time doing …

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  8. Approaches to computing

    Updated 8/12/2019

    An autobiographical account of using computers

    Here's how I was introduced to computers—

    We use specific programs to do specific things. MS word is for writing papers. MS paint is for having fun making digital drawings. Photoshop is for more serious digital paintings (and editing photos …

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  9. Chairs suck.

    I personally dislike using chairs most of the time. I'd rather sit on the floor, stand, or walk around to work, reading, thinking, socializing, etc. Strange? Seething in my dislike for chairs, I decided to do a little "armchair" research on chairs to find out where they came from and …

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