Corona Virus Diary, Part 117

Ice Age Farmer put out a video video in which he pointed out a common pattern for introducing global changes. Start with some grand narrative, e.g. climate change due to carbon emissions. Then, take some terrible exemplar of what something current looks like—e.g. a factory farm. Next, beat this easy-to-hate strawman as a representative with some entire position—in this example people should be free to consume meat. Furthermore, no explanation is given for how the current situation arose. Why is meat production so centralized these days to begin with?

Narratives like the one above pull on the emotional strings of people based on a truth—factory farms look nasty. But then, this image is tied with things that are not so directly related to it. Does sustaining human populations demand farming as we currently have it?

Going in the other direction, we can see how all sorts of things get attached to labels like "education" and "science". Getting smeared as being "against education" or "against science" emotionally manipulates people based ont he positive associations of these terms.

