Corona Virus Diary, Part 122

I started watching some videos by this fellow, Uneducated Economist. You can think about "economy" in terms of something like US dollars... and then you can think about it more broadly in terms of the exchange of goods and services (and how stuff like supply, demand, taxation, etc impact this). The channel linked here is useful for looking at how stuff is happening "from the ground up" rather than from fancy theoretical concepts.

On this blog I've done some discussion of how many of the contemporary "new" things we have are just transformations of older, existing technologies; for example, if I think about how I use a computer functionally, I'll find that the main tasks I do have to do with communication. What might have been in the past things like letter writing or creating a newsletter (to post on some physical board) somewhere).

We can look at systems/society at large in a similar way, and thus apply ancient wisdom. For instance, we have relatively new things like cryptocurrencies; we can then ask, what sort of things are these? Analyzing cryptocurrencies as something that has been around since as long as human civilization (e.g. "people essentially treat bitcoin like gold) we can see past all of the buzzwords/hype and better understanding what is going on.

