Corona Virus Diary, Part 88

How can writing a blog like this be useful? This log has become a kind of diary, but it also reflects how I think (or have thought) about stuff. For instance, in earlier posts, you can see some speculation, descriptions of how I understand things as I look at more materials, and so on.

If I learn something useful, hopefully I will remember it so I can learn from and continue to apply that wisdom/knowledge.

Maybe by writing that stuff down and explicating a bit more at how I arrive at such-and-such thought can be helpful not only for me to remember useful things, but may even be helpful for someone in who finds themselves in a similar situation... to learn from what does(n't) work for me.


Frequent blog posting will for me mean making sure I have worthwhile things to report. Have I been lazy and negligent, or am I working on myself such that I have things to share about the struggles I will naturally face. 1

Things for this week

When "studying", shorter and concentrated sessions are often preferable to longer and distracted sessions. Ten minutes of paying attention is better than an hour gone by without thinking in front of some books. Less "intellectually laborious" time can be spent on manual tasks, exercise, etc.

  1. In this lifetime, the fight is never over. 

